Definition of Safeguarding Policy:
Society Dance academy is part of a global youth movement that celebrates diversity and is committed to equality and respect for all our members and potential members.
Our vision is an equal world where all can make a positive difference, be happy, safe and fulfil their potential. To achieve this vision we hold ourselves, those acting on our behalf and our members to high standards of conduct. This includes treating all young members and volunteers fairly, with respect and with dignity.
Society Dance Academy policies and supporting information provide a structure in which can take place safely, consistently, and in accordance with the law.
Our Equality and diversity policy must be followed by all Society Dance Academy members and volunteers.
Society Dance Academy aims to be an equal opportunities provider of services and association of members.
Protecting our members
No Society Dance Academy young member or volunteer should be disadvantaged by unjustifiable conditions or requirements, or experience less-favourable treatment because of any of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010:
Ethnic origin, nationality (or statelessness) or race
Age (18+)
Disability, including mental health
Religion or belief, including the absence of belief
Marital or civil partnership status
Sexual orientation
Pregnancy and maternity
Gender reassignment
class or socio-economic status
political belief
being a carer
The list above also includes when someone is treated unfavourably because others believe they are a member of a group even if they are not, or if they are treated poorly due to friends, family, or other people they know being a member of one of these groups.
Upholding this policy
Society Dance Academy exists to support girls, boys, men and women for all walks of life regardless of their race, age, gender, religious belief or what their financial circumstances are are focus is in helping them to develop and fulfil their full potential. A key way of achieving our mission and vision is by providing a creative platforms for all to be inspired , motivated and educated.
Our members have an individual responsibility to fulfil this policy and work towards our vision of ensuring all can fulfil their potential. No one involved in Society Dance Academy should behave towards someone in a way that violates their dignity, or creates a degrading, humiliating, hostile, intimidating or offensive environment.
Anyone who raises a concern or challenges discrimination will be supported. No one will be treated differently because they have sought to promote equality or challenge discrimination.
All Society Dance Academy volunteers are required to behave in accordance with the Equality and diversity policy. To carry out its work, Society Dance Academy seeks to appoint effective and appropriate volunteer leaders, and to involve other volunteers in a range of supporting roles.
This helps us to fulfil our legal obligations to ensure non-discrimination and ensures we foster good relations between different people and uphold the purpose which help us achieve our vision.
The overriding consideration in making volunteer appointments in Society Dance Academy shall be the safety and security of young people, and their continued development in accordance with the mission and purpose of Society Dance Academy .
Accordingly, all those whom Society Dance Academy accepts as volunteers must be 'fit and proper' persons to undertake the duties of the position to which they have been appointed, within the constraints imposed by the need for Society Dance Academy to ensure:
the safety and security of young people
the continued development of young people
equal opportunities for all
Ethnic Origin, Nationality or Race
Age (18+)
Religion or Belief
Marital or Civil Partnership Status
Sexual Orientation
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Erduan Xhaferi

Every young person deserve the chance to be creative and reach their highest potential in safe environment .